Tribute Wall
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Dangler Funeral Home Of West Orange
340 Main Street
West Orange Township, New Jersey, United States
Funeral Mass
10:00 am - 10:45 am
Friday, July 15, 2022
Our Lady Of The Valley Church
510 Valley Road
Orange City, New Jersey, United States
11:15 am
Friday, July 15, 2022
Gate Of Heaven Cemetery
225 Ridgedale Avenue, <no data>
East Hanover, New Jersey, United States

Jean posted a condolence
Monday, July 18, 2022
This is Ron Burgess,doc,assistant coach.Blues and I worked together for 14yrs.May his soul rest in peace.He will be greatly missed.Eternally blessed Ron and Jeanie and our belated son David.
Daniel Barretto uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, July 14, 2022

Its the closest I can Get Bluesy...Dont mind the roof, I know it was Dark Blue...Ride it up there coach...set up the table for us...until we meet again....
Daniel Barretto lit a candle
Thursday, July 14, 2022

One of a Kind
Photo Credit: The Awesome Gentleman Louis DeRiggi “louie”
I was really close to Blues, as our entire teams of 79 -
And 80 were..a large very kind no nonsense kind of guy who hit things done. I met Blues by chance one day at a place called Mr. Sub, who happened to have, to this day, the best cheesesteaks on the planet…”how do you like the Hall kid, they call me Blues, do you play ball there”…I play basketball and baseball yes sir, “No, football I mean,?”
No sir, I have to work during football season…
He writes his number on a piece of paper and says, “we are looking for football players that have heart, if you ever want to change schools, give me a call”
I looked up at him and said, “I hate it here coach, and they hate me just as much”…
Listen kid, talk to your parents, be honest with them, and then have them give me a call…
It’s exactly what I did…and a couple of weeks later Coach had facilitated the entire thing…several of my Seton Hall classmates had also transferred. Already there was a legend in the making, Jerry Gallichio whom had scored 105 points in an elementary school basketball game!!
The school was great! Finally GIRLS!! Anyway, we get to spring practice and Blues pulls up in cherry brand new 1979 Cadillac Coupe de Ville!
For a kid from Vailsburg at the time, THAT, was the holy grail of vehicles…just beautiful in every way…
He quickly made it known that he was in charge of getting us in shape…trust me we got in shape and he was an ass kicker…don’t even think of giving up…your ass was running back and forth to the gym from Metcalf for the 3 hour duration!
After a couple of weeks I get invited to a prom and I accept…broke and no car I’m in a dilemma! I know! I’ll borrow Blusies caddy!! Surely he will let me borrow it!! He loves me!!
I get the courage to ask him one day after practice, I had busted my ass in order to lay the groundwork…”GREAT work today Danny, GREAT work his voice boomed across Metcalf!!
I waited and waited until he put the bag of footballs in his Caddy…
Coach, I have a huge favor to ask, I don’t have a car for the prom next week and I wonder, we’ll was hoping that you would let me borrow your Caddy, ILL BE CAREFUL, I promise…
He looks at me with that serious face and a slight smile curves his mouth…
“Danny, you got some real balls don’t you, you kids from Vailsburg always surprise me, and let me tell you, I don’t surprise easy”
Coach I promise, I will take care of it like it’s mine!!
Listen kid when and what time is the prom? He dutifully took meticulous notes.
I’m in I thought!! WTH he said yes!!! I told all my buddies!! I got a caddy for the prom!!!
Comes the moment in time and there I am on the sidewalk, waiting for Blues…
A stickler for being on time, there in the golden dusk, it appears…The Dove grey legendary Coupe DeVille…My heart filled with joy and gratitude..
Wait there’s another car behind him…geez that cars HUGE!! What the hell??
Bluesy pulls up Amd get out of his car with Mr. Wiegel, another hero of mine…Amd he says…
Danny, see this picture? That’s my mother, I love her more than life!! BUT she don’t even get to drive my car!!!
BUT, since you had the balls to ask, I got you and your date a limo for tonight…enjoy it!
Mr. Wiegel’s laughing and tears burst into this kids eyes…turns out Bluesy had a friend in the Limo Business and in many other places to…
What a gentleman, He’s I. My heart everyday…today the love of Cadillac Coupes lives on…I drive a CTS Coupe..it dawned on me today that it is the relative of the coupe deville I once admired so much…
Monie lit a candle
Thursday, July 14, 2022

I met you when I was 11 years old back in 1990 and a bond was created!!!! I love you, adore you, and appreciate the laughs. I appreciate our talks, your advice, and your incessant love for me and my track sisters. Rest well Blues... I love you forever and ever!!! Monie
James G Sickles posted a condolence
Thursday, July 14, 2022
There are so many memories.
Timmy's, Jenkins playground,Russ's gas station and our annual get-together at the VFW in Union. Everyone waited for you to arrive
because you made the evening.
RIP-my friend. I will surely miss you.
Jim Catman Sickles
Lois Reichert posted a condolence
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Oh Bluesy, so sorry to hear how tough the last couple of years have been. Our Moms were friends and we were friends forever. Everyone loved you and I never heard a bad word about you. Always a big smile and a big heart. I will miss you forever. God and your parents will meet you with open arms. Prayers for all of you. Love, Lois
Buda Fortino posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Growing up in the 50's and 60's on The Corner, in Jenkins Playground, at the Valley Settlement House, with The Rebels and attending Roosevelt Jr. High and WOHS was a magical time. So many good friends, great athletes and wonderful memories. Blues was at the very center of our group. He was a big guy with a big personality and an even bigger heart. RIP old friend. You have left us with a lasting legacy.
Please give our best to Victor and Barry. Looking forward to when we can all hang-out together again.
Buda Fortino
Donna Cunningham posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
I will remember “Blues” for his kindness. Fly with the angels and rest with our Lord.
Harry Phillips posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Blues was one of the best to come out of West Orange HS.He was a great mentor and expected all of us undergraduates to give 100 percent on the practice field.
I was lucky enough to play Football,Baseball,Softball and golf with him. His sense of humor was amazing. I all shared many a dinner laughing so hard my stomach hurt.
Blues you will be missed by all who knew you
John J. Kelly posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Today I write with a very heavy heart. Wasn't it just last Saturday when he said rest and ice up after a football game. As one of his players he not only taught us how to be athletes but prepared us to be good young men. Unfortunately there isn't enough space or time to remember everything about our Blues because he impacted us in so many ways.
God speed on your journey Blues
You will be missed,
John Kelly #85
Jan Gilhooly posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Blues and I both were WOHS grads who went to Salem College. Numerous times we made the ride from West Virginia to West Orange (10 hrs in those days)...His humor, personality and overall jovial demeanor made the trip go by quickly. Blues was always the winning coach of every intramural sports team and was loved by all who knew him. Rest In Peace Big Man...!
Bill Dalton posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Blues was an exceptional athlete and teammate. He had a great sense of humor and a contagious laugh. Sometimes we would laugh so hard and so long that we would forget why we were laughing! Blues personified what “growing up in the Valley “ was all about. Rest in Peace, my friend.
Jim Crann posted a symbolic gesture
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

I am one of the many Our Lady of the Valley student athletes who was fortunate to be coached by "Blues" He put his heart and soul into his job and into his athletes. He was more than a coach. God bless this good man and may he rest in the peace of Christ. Thank you coach for your dedication, mentorship and love.
Jim Crann - OLV Class of '80
James P Crann uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The family of Anthony Frank Barbato uploaded a photo
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

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